Lord of the Flies
Chapter 7 “Shadows and Tall Trees”
Perspective: Simon
Ralf described himself as having long nails, long hair, his skin filthy and briny, and regained his old habit of biting his nails.
The horrid game my group members played was “Kill the pig!”. It was horrid because they formed a circle and put Rodger in the middle, and treated him like he was a pig. Jack was holding him by his hair, witch must of hurt, and Ralf got so overenthusiastic about it, that he genuinely jabbed at Rodger with Eric's spear. The mood was happy and full of energy, except for Rodger. Rodger had to bear being poked at, and had to withstand the humiliation he got.
Jack had suggested to use a little one as the pig and actually kill him! I found this absurd and horrid. I see this foreshadowing that we will only get more and more savage and dark. Jack has much to bravado to become a leader.
The evidence they saw was a so called “beast”, that had apparently been waiting on the mountains summit, and it looked like a realistic beast. They were also very scared. They are gullible because they thought they saw a real beast, when maybe it was a pile of rocks or something. I doubt there is a real beast.
I felt the game they majority of the group had played was just savage and barbaric. Nothing like the Englishmen back home would do! They are becoming savages, like those ludicrous ruggers at the futball pitch back home. I tried to explain this to them but got overly windy. If I were to consult Jack about the issue at hand, I would have to do so sagely.
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